object SynthEditorForm: TSynthEditorForm Left = 195 Top = 106 BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'SynthForm' ClientHeight = 240 ClientWidth = 241 Color = clBlack Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = True Position = poDefault Scaled = False OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object SynthPanel: TWPControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 241 Height = 240 Align = alClient Color = 5452845 ParentColor = False ParentShowHint = True object LogoBtn: TQuickBtn Tag = -1 Left = 186 Top = 16 Width = 48 Height = 45 ParentFont = False ParentColor = False Color = 6709335 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = 13025463 Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts' Font.Style = [] Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbAutoSize] AccelKey = 0 FXType = FX_Blend FXWhen = FX_OnOver FXAttack = 50 FXRelease = 50 FXBlink = FX_BlinkOnOver Glyph.ILCount = 2 BmpList = SynthResModule.LogoIL StayDown = False end object HoldBtn: TQuickBtn Tag = 9 Left = 190 Top = 181 Width = 39 Height = 19 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = '|^b^aHold sound' ParentFont = False ParentColor = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clSilver Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize] Spacing = 4 TextAlign = ttaLeft AccelKey = 0 FXType = FX_Blend FXAttack = 192 FXRelease = 192 BmpList = SynthResModule.HoldBtnIL OnClick = WheelChange StayDown = False PopupAlign = Popup_Normal OnMouseUp = HoldBtnMouseUp end object LoopBtn: TQuickBtn Tag = 8 Left = 149 Top = 164 Width = 32 Height = 14 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = '|^b^aRepeat sound' ParentFont = False ParentColor = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clSilver Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent] Style = FS_Transparent Spacing = 4 TextAlign = ttaRight AccelKey = 0 FXType = FX_Blend BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL OnClick = WheelChange PopupAlign = Popup_Normal end object TransModeSelect: TSelector Tag = -1 Left = 53 Top = 185 Width = 7 Height = 33 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = '|Transients source' Hints.Strings = ( 'off' 'use sample built-in slicing' 'autodetect transients') NumCols = 1 NumRows = 3 DefaultValue = 0 OnChange = TransModeSelectChange end object GrainAttWheel: TWAVWheel Left = 14 Top = 30 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aGrain attack time' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 16 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Min = 50 Max = 500 Value = 204 DefaultValue = 204 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object GrainHoldWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 1 Left = 54 Top = 30 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aGrain hold time' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 16 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Max = 500 Value = 50 DefaultValue = 50 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object GrainSpaceWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 2 Left = 94 Top = 30 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aGrain spacing' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 24 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Min = 125 Max = 1000 Value = 611 DefaultValue = 611 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object WaveSpaceWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 3 Left = 134 Top = 30 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aWave spacing' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 48 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Min = -1000 Max = 1000 Value = 611 DefaultValue = 611 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object FXSpeedWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 5 Left = 94 Top = 110 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aEffect speed' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 4 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Min = 4 Max = 200 Value = 180 DefaultValue = 180 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object FXDepthWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 4 Left = 54 Top = 110 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aEffect depth' Options = [] SlowMotionDiv = 4 Max = 384 DefaultValue = 0 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object RandomWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 6 Left = 134 Top = 110 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aRandomness' Options = [] SlowMotionDiv = 4 Max = 256 DefaultValue = 0 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object StereoWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 7 Left = 14 Top = 110 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aStereo separation' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 4 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Max = 64 DefaultValue = 0 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object StartWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 10 Left = 122 Top = 190 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aSample start' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 128 SlowMotionDiv = 8 Max = 4096 DefaultValue = 0 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object GrainTransHoldWheel: TWAVWheel Tag = 11 Left = 14 Top = 190 Width = 24 Height = 25 Hint = '|^b^aTransient hold time' Options = [] MoveSpeed = 16 SlowMotionDiv = 4 Max = 500 Value = 228 DefaultValue = 228 OnChange = WheelChange MouseButton = mbLeft HotSideX = 8 HotSideY = 10 PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL end object TriggerModeSelect: TQuickCombo Tag = -1 Left = 183 Top = 215 Width = 53 Height = 16 Cursor = crHandPoint Hint = '|Trigger mode' ParentFont = False ParentColor = False Color = 4407097 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = 12170927 Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts' Font.Style = [] Caption = 'Pitch' Options = [tbOnOver, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize, tbTransparent, tbDownArrow] Style = FS_Transparent Spacing = 4 TextAlign = ttaLeft AccelKey = 0 Glyph.ILCount = 2 Items.Strings = ( 'Pitch' 'Percent' 'Step' 'Transient') Hints.Strings = ( 'Key to pitch' 'Key to start (sample time, C5 to C7)' 'Key to start (song time)' 'Key to start (transient time)') OnChange = TriggerModeSelectChange PopupAlign = Popup_Normal end end end